Student# First Name M.I. Last Name D.O.B E-mail Courses
43074 James Brown 0000-00-00 1st year Apprentice Alberta - Hardy Zee - Christian Labour Association of Canada - 2008-09-18

2441987 James Brown 1958-06-27 Competent Person Training: Frame - Brian Haddle - Stone Mountain Access Systems Inc. - 2017-02-12

Competent Person Training - Suspended Scaffold - Granville Loar - SIATP, Inc. - 2016-02-03

Competent Person Training - System Scaffold - John Royer - Action Equipment and Scaffold Co., Inc. - 2017-07-23

Instructor - Granville VanDorp - QUINN Construction Ltd. - 2013-03-18

CPT Suspended Scaffold - Christian Labbe - Echafauds Plus, Inc. - 2019-12-19

CPT System Scaffold - Christian Labbe - Echafauds Plus, Inc. - 2020-03-10
